Prima – Vaginal pH Test (5 Tests)
Prima – Vaginal pH Test (5 Tests)
Rapid self-test for the semi-quantitative determination of pH in female vaginal swab specimens
Vaginal infections are quite common and often a recur- ring problem among women of all age groups. An indication of abnormal acidity of the vaginal discharge can help evaluate whether the vaginal symptoms are likely caused by an infection that may require follow-up with an health-care professional. An acidic vaginal pH value of 3.8 to 4.5 is a basic requirement for the optimal functioning of the body system which protects the vagina. This system can effectively avoid colonization by pathogenic germs and the occurrence of vaginal infections.
Prima – Vaginal pH Test (5 Tests)
Rapid self-test for the semi-quantitative determination of pH in female vaginal swab specimens
Vaginal infections are quite common and often a recur- ring problem among women of all age groups. An indication of abnormal acidity of the vaginal discharge can help evaluate whether the vaginal symptoms are likely caused by an infection that may require follow-up with an health- care professional. An acidic vaginal pH value of 3.8 to 4.5 is a basic requirement for the optimal functioning of the body system which protects the vagina. This system can effectively avoid colonization by pathogenic germs and the occurrence of vaginal infections.
Tag: Test, women, pH
VAGINAL pH TEST is a rapid dry chemical method for the semiquantitative detection of pH in female vaginal swab specimens to aid in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.
Women who feel vaginal discomfort
Vaginitis is a very common feminine disease affecting million of women each year. Vaginitis accounts for over 50% of all gynaecologic office visits. The key to a proper treatment is an early accurate diagnosis to prevent Bacterial Vaginosis complications.
A pH paper is used to determine pH levels in specimen obtained through a vaginal swab. As soon as the swab containing the specimen from vagina comes in contact with the pH paper encased in the test panel, a colour change occurs. Different pH levels can result in different grades and shades of colour with each colour grade/shade specifying a particular pH level on the colour scale.
How to take test
Content: 5 Aluminium pouches with printed colour scale containing 1 pH card; 5 sterile vaginal swabs; 1 instructions for use.
Warning: Keep out of the reach of children
**Disclaimer**: This home test kit is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Results may vary based on individual conditions and should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Always follow the test instructions carefully and do not use past the expiration date. The manufacturer is not liable for incorrect results due to improper use or storage of the product.